Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Christmas Police Are Coming: RU Ready?

Led by the likes of Bill O'Reilly, sexual harrasser and self-appointed "Culture Warrior", The Greetings Police are out in full force, ready to pounce on anyone who dares to wish anyone "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons' Greetings". They act as though Jesus himself uttered those very words on the Sermon on the Mount. Of course, Jesus didn't say those words, nor are they found anywhere in the Bible, but that doesn't stop The "War on Christmas " crowd from browbeating anyone who doesn't use their chosen greeting. I guess in some places the other side is just as bad, but I find it hard to believe that as many people are ostrasized for saying Merry Christmas as O'Reilly and others would have us believe. It seems to me that there are much more important things we could be doing with our time and energy with AIDS, famine, Wars, child abuse, and Mark Foley on the loose.

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