Saturday, March 10, 2007

James Dobson and Newt Gingrich

Who appointed James Dobson the moral arbitor of the Universe anyway? Dobson, in his typical heavy handed way, is demanding the firing or silencing of a National Association of Evangelicals official for the egregious and unforgivable offense of taking global warming seriously? This is the same guy who said that Mark Foley's page view scandal was a "joke" and that Foley didn't have sex with any of the young men until after they were 18 or some such nonsense.

In a March 1 letter to the board of the NAE, Dobson said the Rev. Richard Cizik, Vice President for government relations has waged a "relentless campaign that is dividing and demoralizing evangelicals". Dobson wasn't that critical of Ted Haggard for using drugs and paying a male escort for sex. I wonder if it's the fact that Haggard is considered a strong conservative, taking the company line of social issues?

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